Ethurun's contact with the Ethalin of the north has been sparse for all of our recorded history. Until King Mordred arrived in Ekaton to claim his title, very few men could say truthfully that they had spoken with one. Communications until this point have been the odd trading agreement, or an occasional shipwreck rescue. Part of this is due to the perpetual storm that acts as a solid curtain between their land and ours. Some of it is due to the language barrier. Perhaps the most significant reason for our lack of contact is the simple fact that the Ethalin are reclusive, and avoid us out of principle. Even now, with their warriors acting as King Mordred's most loyal vanguard, the vast majority of the continent have never seen one. Hence, I consider it my duty to study them.
It was difficult to arrange for a session to study one of their warriors. I am not magically inclined, and I am unable to cast even simple spells to comprehend languages. Thus, a language barrier needed to be broken down. I called in a favor with one of my associates, and after much cajoling was able to obtain a fragile ring that, when worn, allowed me to understand their language: Celestial.
Finding a willing subject was more difficult. They are naturally inclined to keep to themselves, and avoid contact with us southerners as much as possible. Every one that I asked would politely decline, and given their impressive size, I would feel it wiser to not pursue the matter further. After much asking, I found one willing to speak. His name in his native tongue was Iden-Aldr, translated into common as Sharp Aldrich. He shared my desire for scientific cataloguing, and we agreed to a mutual trade: I would make a study of him, for my people. He would make a study of me, for his people. This was agreeable to both parties, and so I invited him to my home for a conversation.
The most readily apparent aspect of the Ethalin is their height. The tallest of their race are taller than our Dragonborn, although the average height of both races is about the same. Aldrich tells me that he is about average for their kind, and he measures at six feet eight inches. This is before their horns are counted, which add another foot of height. He is tall enough to require stooping and crouching within my home; if I had thought of that aspect, I would have held an examination somewhere more comfortable. However, he does not mind, and refused an offer to move to a more suitable location.
Their horns are a marvel of biology. Instead of being solid bone like the antlers of an elk or deer, they are hollow, much like the horns of our cattle. However, they are thinner and more delicate. Their horns are not very sensitive to touch. Furthermore, instead of being hollow, their horns are actually a protective coating for an organ that we do not have. I am not the best of biologists, but I have been told of certain species of eels that can discharge a bolt of lightning when disturbed. From what I gather, these horns can do the same. The storms of their homeland are very strong, and lightning strikes are frequent. Through some unconscious manipulation of their horns, they are able to attract and absorb the lightning strikes. Then they are able to discharge the stored lightning, in a method I shall detail shortly. Aldrich confirmed that horns will grow back when broken, but it is a painful process, and seems similar to the toothing that small children endure.
Moving down from the horns, their head grows hair in the same way that ours do. Their hair, however, is white, from the time that they are... well, not born, but we shall discuss that later. From their beginning, rather. White is their normal pigment. Their eyes have various colors, mostly blue, green, or grey. Brown and black eyes are less common. Aldrich is bearded and mustached, but I am told that some of their men shave clean. Their women do not grow facial hair. Except for their faces, the soles of their feet, and the palms of their hands, the Ethalin are extremely hairy. They are almost furred, and their skin secretes an oil that helps to waterproof it. I am reminded in function of waterfowl, although they use feathers instead. The women are just as hairy, unlike our sexual dimorphism. Underneath the thick hair are tattoos. They cannot be seen normally, and Aldrich traced lines over his torso where they lay. He told me that outside of ceremonies, their body hair would not be shaved, and he regretted that he could not show me his tattoos in the flesh. The ink used in their tattoos is the method by which they can discharge lightning. The tattoos flow from the base of their horns out to their hands, and this creates a road that the lightning may pass on. In addition to these tattoos, his "Generation" name was inscribed on his spine, and a few tattoos on his back represented impressive feats that he had done.
Moving further downward, his physique is positively impressive. He weighs around two hundred and eighty pounds, and not a single ounce of it is fat. At a later date we will test his strength, but he recalled pushing weights overhead that he estimated to be around four hundred pounds. His hands have only four digits. A thumb, a pinky, and two fingers like our index and middle fingers. They lack a ring finger. They have two joints in the thumb and three in the other fingers, like ours. Their feet are the same way, with four digits on each foot.
In the name of science, I confirmed that their "hardware" matches ours. However, they lack a reproductive cycle. New Ethalin are created by their three gods in a way that Aldrich was reticent to speak of. The best that I was able to confirm is that they are crafted in a way, fully formed and with a fully developed intellect. I do not know why they have the "tools" if they do not use them, but that is beyond my position in life.
After Fel Morn was created, A, G, and D set to creating the Ethalin people, named for Ithal. They used similar methods, combining them with new thought, and created the first generation of that people. They taught that first generation, instructing them on how to live rightly and righteously. The second and third and fourth generation followed suit, before the gods quietly withdrew. They allowed the Ethalin people the freedom to decide their own way forward. From there, the Ethalin themselves developed a religious order in worship of the trinity, although I gather that it is different from our worship of the stars. A more proper word might be veneration.
One of the values instilled in the first Generations was Will, the ability to freely choose one's fate. Acordingly, one of the highest values in their society is independence. It seems that the Ethalin are far more introverted on average than our societies. Fel Morn is only half populated at any one time; the rest of the population is out roaming Ithal, or the surrounding archipelago. Years may pass between visits between friends, and the Ethalin are satisfied to live their lives predominantly alone. Often, they will tame a wild beast to serve as a companion; Aldrich had one such beast when he came south, an enormous six-legged bear named Narin, who has since been buried. Beyond this companionship, most Ethalin live their lives mostly alone.
Their fighting style is derived from their environment. Ethalin rarely come into conflict with each other, and such conflicts are resolved with an honorable duel instead of a bitter fight. Thus, they are not militarily strong or particularly strategic. They concern themselves far more with defending against nature. For this reason, aside from their ability to discharge lightning, they also use spears and shields. The typical Ethalin will carry three rough javelins, one long spear, and an enormous, rectangular shield. All are hand crafted by their carrier, and replaced from local materials when they break or are lost.
The Ethalin have some similar values to us, and some vastly different ones. Chief in their society is the aforementioned independence. They frown on relying on others except in great necessity; it is considered shameful for another to do one's own duty. Their second highest value is honesty. Aldrich refused to tell even an obvious lie, and seemed almost sick at attempting to suggest that the color of my table was blue instead of the natural wooden color. They revere their gods strongly as well. Although most of the population does not approach their trinity, their priests are granted free access. His revealed that each Ethalin has his own form of veneration, although he would not speak of his own. It seems that they consider such a matter to be intimate.
I find myself even more curious in this fascinating culture. As we concluded his section of the interview, he mentioned that one craft of his people is the creation of alcohol. He had brought a small bottle, and I procurred two cups of my own for us to drink. When compared to our beers and wines, the small amount in the bottle seemed entirely too little for two people, especially when considering his massive frame. However, my mind changed with the first sip. It was incredibly strong, a taste of smoke and sea salt. It burned my mouth before I was able to swallow it. He took it in stride, no doubt used to the substance. I found it entirely too strong for my taste, although I suppose I could see the appeal.
After that interlude, I gave an account of my own culture, and allowed for a physical examination as he had. He took many notes, and was as curious about my culture as I was about his. We parted ways shortly after, and I set to turning my notes into a manuscript, satisfied with the afternoon's work, and glowing with the prospect of a new friend.
That was the night before the attack on Tenet, three days ago. He was killed in the attack.
Recorded in 792KE, by Erasmus Hermar.